Friday, April 5, 2013

Angaur, Palau Environmental Portraits

Here are some other top shots from my recent winter spent photographing in Angaur, Palau.  About ten of these were planned, themed shots.

If you'd like to help contribute to the costs of printing all of these photos to be sent back to the families in a couple weeks, please see my Indiegogo campaign here:


[The dead taro patch after Super Typhoon Bopha's waves flooded it with saltwater.  It will take ~5 years to produce taro again.]

[Tomei, fruit bat hunter]

[Valdez, betel nut tree climber]

[Terrence, kid]

[Thomas, cool guy]

[Church Deacon]

[Kastol, net fisherman]

[Seb, boat fisherman]

[Shayna and Shanna, twins]

[Hinkley, betel nut tree climber]

[Melanie, Peace Corps Volunteer]

[Valdez, betel nut tree climber]