Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My House (Outside)

A bonus of living on a small island is that I can have my own house. I think this is mostly cost prohibitive in any urban region of Japan. I pay 35,000 yen/month rent for this house and the surrounding property. Depending on the exchange rate, this runs about $320. It's not too bad, considering some apartments on Zamami run up to 50,000 yen and some 30,000 yen apartments are single rooms.

[From the road at the SW corner of the lot]

I am located near the center of the village, with a 2-4 minute walk to any edge. There is a single lane road (all roads within the village perimeter are single lane) in front of my house and a river/stream beyond that. I have a corner lot and the north/south road to my east takes me right to the school. To my west is a house with a woman who loves cats. She has at least 25 of them and they like to use my yard for their toilet. I like to use them as target practice.

[From the SE corner of the lot]

If I were ambitious I would try gardening with all my ground, but the brother of the house's owner (who lives in Naha) has promised me he will undertake that effort. The soil is terrible, so I have begun my own garden in 'planter' boxes with dirt I gather from the hills. I've been harvesting a steady crop of spinach for two months and my carrots and cabbage just sprouted (that's right, in January!).

[From the NW corner in the backyard]

1 comment:

  1. i kill flies, you kill cats... living abroad is sharpening my killer instincts and dulling your concern for others' attachment to animals... i remember when you kind of cared when you saw that white bread in the gullet...
