Monday, March 31, 2008

February Photo Competition

We have an Okinawa JET photo club that a mainland JET started in January. She posts how-to articles and organizes our monthly competitions. The competitions are really good for forcing me to think about the details of what I'm photographing. All five of the photos I've entered so far are shots that otherwise wouldn't have been taken, so the inspiration is appreciated.

The January theme was 'winter' and unfortunately we only drew four entries (two were mine, neither were winners!). But February's theme was all the different composition 'rules'. There were twelve entries which made the voting really fun. We're allowed up to three entries and have to pay 200 yen (about $2) per entry, so the pot was $25. Here were my three entries:

My 'diagonal lines' entry, also the contest winner.
(This is an old man making a broom.)

Depth of field and 'white' space.

Framing. Of my entries, this was my favorite,
but it didn't get any votes so that shows what I know!

1 comment:

  1. I totally vote for the first one. It rocks. (Which, of course, isn't to say that the other ones don't rock. They just rock less.)
