Friday, June 20, 2008

A Personality Test

A pretty smart guy I met on the Pacific Crest Trail (Gruevy of Donna & Gruevy) simplified the definition of personality by describing it as ‘the way in which we react to every situation’. Therefore our personalities are always evolving and subject to improvement. We only limit ourselves from being who we want to be by making decisions that align with previous experience.

I’ve had three opportunities in my adult life to begin with a fresh slate: college, Peace Corps, and here. College was experimentation without goals. In Peace Corps I was more successful at changing things I didn’t like about myself because I had a better idea of who I wanted to become.

But here, ten months in, my personality still hasn’t shone through. Of course people know I am loud, and they know my likes and dislikes, and they have a sense of my humor, but language is such a barrier that my thoughts on religion, education, and politics are still a mystery. Everything is being exposed in slow motion.

I sometimes wish I had a better idea of who I want to be because I’ve got all the time in the world to develop that personality. Maybe I should work on building alternate personalities?


  1. David, hey I'm not sure if you remember me - an old neighbor from back in the day - but I found your blog through our mothers talking. Wow, Japan!! What an incredible experience for you and Kristin. Sounds like you are having an awesome time! Just thought I'd write and say hi. I look forward to reading more of your adventures. Cheers!!
    Jordan McMakin

  2. Hey Jordan, of course I remember you! Hope you're doing well and hope you enjoy the blog. --Dave
