Saturday, May 23, 2009

Another Weekend, Another Marlin

Yesterday was a perfect weather day: rare breaths of wind and flat water. But that didn't translate into awesome fishing. We had one marlin trip two outriggers (left, overhead) at 9:30am as we were chasing a school of feeding bonito, then we dried up for 5.5 hours. Five-and-a-half hours is a long time to troll around on a hot day with nothing happening. It's longer when you only got 6 hours of sleep the night before.

But at 3:10pm the right flat (not an outrigger) pole went off. The marlin stayed shallow and jumped a lot. As we were bringing in the other poles a second marlin hit the left outrigger and went deep and hard. It was a big marlin that snapped the line after two minutes.

[I sneaked this picture in during the final approach]

[I haven't missed yet, so I've moved into the role of 'first spear' (of two, which are then followed with two flying gaffs - the big hooks)]

[70kg blue marlin, 40 minute fight]

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