Saturday, August 8, 2009

Palau Aerials

[It is not okay to use these images without my permission.]

I took a helicopter trip on my first morning here to get the aerial shots I always wanted during Peace Corps but could never afford to get. Here are some of the results: (oh, and the internet is waaaaaay slow here and this will probably be the last blog post until I get back to Japan on 8/18.)

[Seventy Islands]

[Natural Arch]

[Milky Way]

[A dugong, which is really rare]


  1. Gorgeous! Thanks for taking the time to upload the photos for all of us to enjoy :-)

  2. Beautiful pictures!!

    I love tropical coral seas!!!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
    I love you very much!!!!


  3. you should use a creative commons license on your work

  4. Laura, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Creative Commons mean that I allow other people to use my work for free? In the case of the photos on this page, I don't want people using them because I will potentially sell them.
