Saturday, August 29, 2009

Palau - The Kayak Trip, Part Two

There's a famous marine lake in Palau that is only accessible at high tide and apparently has some big giant clams and cool birdwatching. We hit it just after high tide on the first morning and were not disappointed.

[A spotted eagle ray, one of two we saw living in the sanctuary that is Long Lake]

[Mangroves. Are awesome.]

[The way in - and out - empties at low tide]

We stopped for lunch at the first beach near the exit of Long Lake. There was still a fire going in the pit so we used it because we were already nervous about our fuel supply. We also scored freshwater showers - our last for a couple days.

That cut you see under the island is what makes the Rock Islands famous. A lot of people compare their looks to that of mushrooms. The islands are treacherously sharp limestone and have been eaten away at their bases by thousands of years of wave action. Some of the smaller islands have even toppled!

[Fantasy Island]

[Unfortunately the sun wasn't out for this classic Rock Island photo]

[A bluefin trevally assured we would have no food shortages on the trip.]

[Bluefin sashimi (really, really good dipped in the soy sauce/citrus fruit mixture), cooked bluefin with onions and citrus fruit, and instant mashed potatoes. Good enough to take our minds away from the horrendous rat problem on this island]


  1. bluefin trevally - talk about gourmet on a kayak trip! will you come on my next (date TBD) kayak trip?? :)

  2. Gorgeous photographs! Emadch, if you're reading this thanks for letting David share the photos with all of us so we can better understand the first-born ceremony.

    H-A-P-P-Y B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y
    We toasted you today at the M's game :-)
