Friday, October 2, 2009

More Water Woes

Our story made the front page of the Okinawan newspaper yesterday. I think we can last about two-three more weeks on our current water supply. Water rationing is getting 'stepped up' to 24-hour cycles, though I am unsure what improvement is created over the current 12-hour cycles.

I blame our water problems on that scene above. Since early summer the Zamami vice-principal has regularly watered this entire field to keep the grass green for this weekend's Sports Day. It drives me nuts, but it drives me more nuts that nobody will say anything to him about it because of his status. I don't feel like I have a great relationship with him so I wouldn't feel comfortable bringing it up. Instead there are only disapproving whispers issued. My favorite Japanese word, 'mottainai' (don't waste), applies here. There's probably a couple days worth of water in that lawn.

Newer apartment buildings have their water towers (built above the apartments and below the dam to utilize gravity) included in the design. The need for water tanks has only come upon this village in the last 10-15 years, since a push for increased tourism worked - and created water shortages.

Today Kume Island, to the west of us ~20 miles, donated this bottled water to the schools. It was a very generous thought on their part, even if I'd rather be thirsty for a day than use all that plastic. The fine print on the label says 'semipure water'. Is that better than no water?


  1. Hello Dave, we live on Okinawa and were going to bring some visiting friends to your island. We haven't been there yet. We were reading about the water rationing. Do you think Tokashiki has the same? I assume it isn't a big deal if we stay in a hotel - we'll be able to shower whenever? We'll promise to take short showers and fit as many people in the tub as possible. Is it a bad time to visit? Thank you, good blog.

  2. Kevin,
    You should absolutely come to Zamami. We've received enough rain the last few days to tide us over for a bit, and fall/winter are coming so I'm sure we'll make it. Your tourism dollars will far outweigh the little water you use. And if you're bringing a wife/girlfriend tell her I said one of the best ways to conserve water is for two people to shower together..
    When are you thinking of coming?

  3. Hi Dave, we're thinking of coming in two weekends on the 17th. Really looking forward to exploring Zamami - looks like a beautiful place. Any other good tips about visiting the island? Think it is better to stay in Ama beach or in town? Thanks!

  4. Kevin,
    I actually have some other friends coming that same weekend so I'll probably be around.
    If you stay at Ama beach you are camping, which is a good deal. It's a really beautiful camping area, but the only setback this time of year is the weather and the lack of hot showers. Also, if you need any food or alcohol it's a 15-minute walk back to the proper village of Zamami to reach the bigger stores (there is a smallish store within Ama). There are many, many hotels and pensions in both Zamami and Ama, so you can take your choice if that's your route. You'd probably be safe without reservations this time of year if you'd like to make the call once you arrive.
    Lots to see! Snorkeling in front of Ama gives you a good chance at seeing turtles. I like the road to the north, as well. Asa village is neat to explore and Yuhina Beach and Chishi observatory are both usually void of people. The western loop (Takatsuki, Inazaki, Kaminohama observatories) is a great high route, too. A couple hours walk (I suggest CCW) or less on bikes.

  5. Dave,

    Thanks for the tips. We're planning on heading to Zamami this Saturday with some friends. If you're around, maybe we could meet up for a meal or drink if you have a favorite place to show off.

