Monday, January 18, 2010

Solar Eclipse

I got a phone call Friday night from a friend who said a solar eclipse was happening right then and I had about 15 more minutes of it. I sprinted out the door with my camera and rode to my favorite sunset-photographing point. I got there just in time and threw on my polarizing filter, not knowing if it would work. I forgot to check the pictures until today, but I'm pleased with the results.


  1. woah! I didn't know about this! Great photo!!

  2. Obviously photoshopped...

  3. nice, dave. your photos are always fantastic. (hrumph. i'm probably more bothered by anonymous' comment than you are.)
    hope you're doing well - i was in japan over new years! maybe one day i'll get over to okinawa.

  4. Thanks Naomi! Where were you in Japan?

    I wasn't too bothered by Anonymous as I assumed it was a joke? Anybody with credentials enough to know if something is 'obviously Photoshopped' would know how to extract my EXIF data, which would show that this image was not altered in Photoshop. (And in fact it couldn't be since I don't own Photoshop. And even if I did, I wouldn't have the faintest clue how to go about faking this image.)

  5. hey dave,
    i spent most of my time in shizuoka, and then a few days in kanagawa. i have lots of family in hamamatsu (in shizuoka), so i tend to spend a lot of time there when i visit.

    the eatin' was good. :)

  6. Oh, you are beautiful!
