Computer's down again, after being up for just three days. I've regrettably ordered a new one - a year earlier than I'd been hoping. The upside is that I will be able to edit my 20mb photo files much more efficiently. Should have the computer around January 29th.
A few tidbits that don't require pictures:
* The first two weeks without a computer were nice, being forced to appreciate the quietness around my apartment. But now, about a month in, it's just lonely.
* I finally took on two projects that are hard for me to work on while a computer is present: reading Anna Karenina (880 pages!) and hand-sewing a quilt. I'm only 50% through the latter, but should be done with the top soon so I'll try to get a picture up.
* I'm doing the Tokyo Marathon again this year. I'm not sure why. February 28th.
* My website, Zamami English Guide, has been making some bounds lately by getting links off the Zamami homepage and also wikitravel. Some visitors are even mentioning having seen the site before visiting (and noting that it was helpful!).
Congrats on making headway! That's super exciting! Every time I look at the stats for People's Guide to Anacortes or hear about someone using it successfully, I smile, so I know how exciting having a successful, helpful website can be.