Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Lilies

You'll see I widened the blog a bit in hopes that my pictures will show up nicer now.

Getting nice [wild] lily shots has been on my list for a few years now, but I just recently discovered a whole bunch of them on a very remote section of the island.  The advantage to these is they surround the top of a knob with low vegetation so I can photograph them at any time of day without worrying about shadows that the petals produce.  I'm not really happy with these but they are a good start.  Now I just keep waiting for another sunny evening (and low tide/not high rollers out of the North as I have to wade through 300m of ocean to reach this knob).  I have another one week until they'll die off enough to make 'group' shots worthless, though individual blooms will last a few more weeks.