Monday, November 28, 2011

The Doctor's Family

I photographed two Zamami families this past weekend.  The first was for stock photos, which I will share later, but the second was the Zamami doctor's family.  I ran into the wife (who speaks English) on Saturday night and was talking about photography.  I offered to take her family's pictures for their New Year's cards and they immediately accepted, so we set a time for Sunday morning.

It only took 25 minutes to get 4-5 poses, which was fortunate because concentration began running thin on the young children, dogs, and baby after about 15 minutes.  I gained a new respect for family portrait photographers.  I did this session for free because I'm a nice guy but also just to see how it would go (always learning!).  I can see I have room for improvement, but I'm happy with the variation I got in such a short time.


  1. The baby is wearing camo leg warmers. Such a fashionable baby!

  2. I know! I didn't even notice until I started processing the pictures.
