Saturday, February 9, 2013

Kitang's First-born Ceremony

I was asked to photograph this ceremony:
(looks like blogger put them all out of order, but I don't have enough internet time/speed to sort them out)


ReBekha said...

SO wonderful!

Dave said...

Thank you! :)

Mom said...

Lovely photos!

Judith said...

hello Dave,
We are enjoying your photos very much as we have a trip to Okinawa planned and they are giving us an insight that it's proving hard to get anywhere else.
I am trying to contact you through your Zamami website, but it's not accepting my email address. Is there another way of contacting you as we are coming to Aka in May and I'd like to ask you a couple of things if that would be OK.
many Thanks.

b2v said...

hello David
congrats for your pics !
I would have like to get in contact with you to ask you few question about Palau. would it be ok for you ?
Benoit (
ps / awesome catch this sailfish ! was it on the popper ?

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Clumpner,

Congratulations for your very interesting website about the little paradise Zazami !
I am a student in my second year at the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, in the program leading to a Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management.
I am contacting you concerning an eventual job opportunity this summer on the island and I would be very grateful to you if you could send me an email address so that I could tell you more about my situation and motivation.

Best Regards