Friday, March 7, 2008

I Have a Visitor!

My predecessor, Nick, is staying with me for a week visit. The Japanese school year starts in April and ends in March, so he is here for graduation (junior high and sixth grade, which are celebrated here much more than in the U.S.). It's been really wonderful to talk extensively in English to somebody who understands my life. Last night we stayed up until well past midnight just laughing and telling stories.

Our time has been filled to the brim with activities, including a visit to Zamami's black pearl farm (who knew THAT existed?), an eisa (drumming) practice, and a whale watching trip under dream conditions. In about two hours I took 575 pictures, which is the fastest rate I've ever photographed. Here are some shots from the sunset voyage:

1 comment:

  1. Hi!! Dave sensei,
    this is black pearl farm worker master.

    today is our iland's graduation ceremony.
    how about you?

    ur whale-pictures are very nice.

    let's go for WW by my oscamintol again.

