There isn't really church in Japan, but I often find myself in happy places on Sundays. Today I woke up at 5am and launched my kayak onto the rocks of low tide in the river in front of my house. I had to wade and drag the kayak for 50 meters before I could start paddling. At 6:30 I caught my first fish of 2008, but I'm not sure what it is. It will provide two hefty dinners.
It was a clear and calm day, perfect for everything. Except sailing, maybe. I fished for a few hours before going aboard land for my requisite beach-combing. I scored three plastic 'crates' to use as garden planters and a brand new "Staff" hat of a large cruise ship that anchored in the Keramas this week.
In the afternoon three Naha friends came out for a whale watching trip. I went along because I need to. I live in a whale watching mecca and I need to capitalize.
When I really get clicking with my camera I'll take 150+ pictures of an event. My usual hope is for one good shot in 100, which is already optimistic. But today I shot 288 pictures and wasn't happy any. That's a rarity, but I make up for it elsewhere. Here is one of the best and another that I thought was kinda cool:
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