Sunday, March 23, 2008

So, How About the Weather?

A couple times in recent weeks I've wanted to write about how our weather has 'turned the corner' and we are [un]officially on our way to summer. But then it starts pouring. This weekend I had three friends out from Naha for whale watching/seeing Zamami. Today I took them on the western high road loop. At the halfway point - the furthest from my house - the rain came. It took us about an hour to walk back. Fortunately we didn't have any whiners.

(The whale watching trip was awesome in a surprising sort of way. The weather was dreary, but the whales have recently given birth so they spend a lot of time near the surface since the calves can't hold their breath long. We were also blessed with a full-on close up breach of an adult whale as well as a baby breach. We had numerous tail-slaps, too, which are hard to describe, but they're kind of like a whale's version of a horse kicking its rear legs up. I wasn't in the photographic spirit and I didn't want to expose my camera to the salt spray, so no good whale pictures.)

Here is an attempt I made at photographing rain last week:

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